How to Create a Customer Journey Map + Template with Shopify

Customer Journey Map Notes


Table of Contents

Creating a customer journey map is a powerful way to understand your customers’ experiences and improve your business strategies. This guide will walk you through creating a customer journey map using Shopify, explain its benefits, and explain how to make one.


What is a Customer Journey Map?

A customer journey map visually represents your customers’ steps when interacting with your business. It outlines a customer’s path from their first contact with your brand to their final purchase. The map helps you understand your customers’ needs, behaviors, and emotions at each journey stage.


Customer Journey vs. Buyer Journey

The customer journey and buyer journey are terms often used interchangeably, but they have slight differences:

  • Customer Journey: Encompasses the entire lifecycle of a customer’s interaction with your brand, including post-purchase experiences like customer support and loyalty programs.
  • Buyer Journey: Focuses specifically on the process leading up to a purchase. It includes stages like awareness, consideration, and decision.


Customer Journey vs. User Journey

While the customer journey covers the overall experience with a brand, the user journey is more specific to interactions with a product or service. Here’s how they differ:

  • Customer Journey: Broader and includes all interactions with a brand.
  • User Journey: This focuses on how users interact with a specific product or service, often used in UX design to improve product usability.


Types of Customer Journey Maps

There are several types of customer journey maps, each serving different purposes:

  1. Current State Map: Customer experience depends on real data and observations.
  2. Future State Map: Imagine the ideal customer journey you want to create.
  3. Day in the Life Map: Shows a day in your customer’s life, highlighting how they interact with your brand amidst other daily activities.
  4. Service Blueprint: A more detailed map with behind-the-scenes processes supporting the customer journey.


Benefits of Using Customer Journey Maps

Creating customer journey maps offers numerous benefits:

  1. Improved Customer Understanding: This helps you understand your customers’ needs and pain points.
  2. Enhanced Customer Experience: Identifies opportunities to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  3. Better Alignment: Align your team around a shared customer experience vision.
  4. Informed Decision-Making: Provides insights that inform business strategies and decisions.
  5. Increased Sales: Helps optimize the sales process by identifying and addressing friction points.


What to Include in Customer Journey Maps

  • Stages

Break down the customer journey into stages. Common stages include:

  1. Awareness: The customer becomes aware of your brand or product.
  2. Consideration: The customer evaluates your product against others.
  3. Decision: The customer decides to purchase your product.
  4. Retention: The customer continues to use and engage with your product.
  5. Advocacy: The customer becomes a brand advocate, recommending your product to others.

  • Emotions

Capture the emotions your customers feel at each stage. Understanding their emotional journey helps you create more empathetic and effective strategies.

  • Touchpoints

Identify the touchpoints where customers interact with your brand. These can include:

  • Website visits
  • Social media interactions
  • Email communications
  • Customer support calls
  • In-store visits (if applicable)


How to Create Your Own Customer Journey Map with Shopify

Creating a customer journey map with Shopify involves several steps:

To help you get started with creating and managing your customer journey map on Shopify, you can take advantage of Shopify’s special offer:



Shopify Icon
Starting from $17 per month

Get your free trial and $1 for the first month + free store builder

Key Features

AI-powered product recommendations and marketing
Advanced fulfillment and inventory management
Seamless omnichannel selling

Storage and Bandwidth:
Unlimited storage allows you to upload as many products and images as needed
Unlimited bandwidth means your site can handle many visitors and lots of activity without slowing down

Extras and Inclusions:
Secure, integrated payment gateway, with transaction fees waived if you use Shopify Payments
Access to an extensive app store to add features and functionality
Built-in tools for SEO, marketing, and analytics



This allows you to explore Shopify’s features and see how they can help you optimize your customer experience and grow your business.

  • Step 1: Define Your Customer Personas

Start by defining your customer personas. These are fictional characters that represent different segments of your audience. Include details like demographics, goals, challenges, and behaviors.

  • Step 2: Identify Customer Touchpoints

List all the touchpoints where customers interact with your brand. For a Shopify store, this could include:

  • Website: Product pages, checkout process, and FAQs.
  • Email: Newsletters, order confirmations, and abandoned cart emails.
  • Social Media: Posts, ads, and direct messages.
  • Customer Support: Live chat, phone support, and helpdesk tickets.
  • Step 3: Outline the Customer Journey Stages

Divide the customer journey into the stages mentioned earlier: Awareness, Consideration, Decision, Retention, and Advocacy. Map out what happens at each stage from the customer’s perspective.

  • Step 4: Gather Data

Use Shopify’s analytics and customer data to understand how customers move through the journey. Look at metrics like website traffic, conversion rates, and customer feedback.

  • Step 5: Map Emotions and Pain Points

At each stage, note the emotions customers experience and any pain points they encounter. This helps you empathize with your customers and identify areas for improvement.

  • Step 6: Visualize the Journey

Create a visual representation of the customer journey. Use tools like Canva, Lucidchart, or even a simple spreadsheet. Include the stages, touchpoints, emotions, and pain points.

  • Step 7: Analyze and Optimize

Review the customer journey map with your team and identify opportunities for improvement. Focus on reducing friction and enhancing positive experiences at each touchpoint.

  • Step 8: Implement Changes

Based on your analysis, make the necessary changes to your Shopify store and overall customer experience. This could involve optimizing your website, improving customer support, or refining your marketing strategies.

  • Step 9: Monitor and Update

Customer journeys can evolve over time, so it’s essential to review and update your journey map regularly. Use customer feedback and analytics to keep your map accurate and relevant.


Example of a Customer Journey Map Template

Here’s a simple template to help you get started with your customer journey map:

customer journey map template


Creating a customer journey map is a valuable exercise that helps you understand and improve your customers’ experiences. Following this guide, you can make a detailed customer journey map for your Shopify store, enhancing your ability to attract, engage, and retain customers. Use the insights gained from your map to make informed decisions that boost customer satisfaction and drive business growth.

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