How to Generate 100+ Trending Website Content Ideas Easily

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Regularly creating engaging and fresh content is essential for your website to grow. Whether you run a blog, manage a business website, or manage an online store, having a rich pool of content ideas can help you keep your audience engaged and drive traffic to your site. But how do you develop over a hundred content ideas without running out of steam? Let’s explore both free and paid methods to generate content ideas and explore a step-by-step guide on using a tool like Semrush for topic research.

Importance of Website Content Ideas

Having many content ideas is essential. The more ideas you have, the more diverse and exciting your website can be. This variety helps attract different audience segments and improves your site’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization), as Google and other search engines favor websites regularly updated with quality content.

Content ideas can also help you plan your marketing strategies more effectively. Knowing what topics you’ll cover in the future allows you to align them with marketing goals, seasonal trends, or sales cycles, ensuring your website content works harder to meet your business objectives.

Free and Paid Methods of Getting 100+ Content Ideas

When it comes to generating content ideas, you have free tools at your disposal, and then there are more advanced, paid tools that offer deeper insights and more comprehensive data.

Free Method: Google Trends

Google Trends is a tool that shows current popular topics. While it’s a great way to start but, it’s not always the most effective way to generate specific content ideas that align closely with your niche. Google Trends can show broad trends but may not provide the nuanced data you need for a focused content strategy.

Paid Method: Semrush

On the other hand, Semrush is a more powerful tool that helps you discover hundreds of topic ideas and gives you valuable insights into search trends, keyword difficulties, and your competition’s activities. Though it requires a subscription, the depth of information available makes it a worthwhile investment for serious content creators and marketers.

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Starting from $23 per month

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Key Features

AI-driven content generation tailored for SEO
Suggestions for optimizing existing content
Integration with Semrush’s SEO tools

Enhances content creation with AI, focused on SEO optimization
Integrates with Semrush for a seamless workflow
It saves time and improves content quality

Walkthrough: Using Semrush for Topic Research

Let’s break down the steps to use Semrush for generating over 100 content ideas effectively:

Step 1: Go to the Content Marketing Section of Semrush


Start by navigating to the Content Marketing Toolkit within Semrush. This dedicated section is tailored for content creators and marketers and provides tools to enhance content planning and execution.

Step 2: Type in Your Topic

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Input a broad topic related to your niche into the topic research tool. For example, if you are a marketing manager or social media manager, you can search for “social media marketing”.

Step 3: Filter for Trending Subtopics

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Once you’ve entered your main topic, filter the results to focus on trending subtopics. This will help you identify which aspects of the topic are currently gaining interest among your target audience, ensuring your content is timely and relevant.

Step 4: Explore the List of Related Searches

Semrush will provide a list of related searches and subtopics. These are different angles or questions people are asking about the main topic. These can give ideas for blog posts, FAQs, or in-depth guides.

Step 5: Click on a Subtopic to See More Details

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To dig deeper, select any subtopic that catches your interest. You’ll see a range of useful data, including the difficulty score (how hard it will be to rank for this topic), top headlines (what others have written about this topic), top questions (what people are asking about it), and related searches.

Step 6: Use Related Searches for Further Keyword Research

Take the related searches and plug them into the Semrush keyword analyzer. This will give you even more detailed insights, such as search volume, trend data, and keyword difficulty, which will help you decide which topics will be most beneficial to pursue.

Tips and Tricks for Content Idea Generation

  1. Stay Organized: Use a spreadsheet or a content management tool to track all your content ideas and related keywords. This will help you stay organized and plan your content calendar more effectively.
  2. Analyze Competitors: Look at what your competitors are writing about. Semrush offers competitor analysis tools that show you the topics they cover and how well they perform, giving you ideas on what topics might work well for your site.
  3. Follow Industry News: Stay updated with your industry’s latest trends and news. This can provide timely content ideas that are currently relevant and likely to attract an audience.
  4. Engage With Your Audience: Regularly ask your audience what they want to read about through surveys, social media polls, or comments. This direct feedback can be invaluable in creating content that truly resonates.
  5. Repurpose Old Content: Look at your older content, which performed well. Consider updating, expanding, or turning it into a different format, such as a video or infographic.

By combining advanced tools like Semrush with these content generation strategies, you’ll have more than enough ideas to keep your website dynamic and engaging. Remember, the goal is not just to create content but to create content that serves a purpose and meets the needs of your audience.

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FAQs: Generating 100+ Website Content Ideas Using Semrush.

  • How can Semrush SEO tools help in generating content ideas?

    Semrush offers comprehensive SEO tools that analyze keywords, track search engine rankings, and monitor SEO health. These tools can help you identify high-traffic keywords, understand what your audience is searching for, and generate content ideas optimized for SEO.

  • How can we use Semrush for SEO to enhance content creation?

    Use Semrush’s keyword analytics to find keywords with good search volume and low competition. Incorporate these keywords into your content to boost SEO. Use the Semrush SEO Content Template, which provides SEO recommendations based on top-ranking pages in search results.

  • What is a Semrush competitor analysis, and how can it generate content ideas?

    Semrush competitor analysis involves studying your competitors’ online presence to benchmark against them. It reveals the topics they cover, the keywords they rank for, and the gaps in their content. This analysis can help you identify content opportunities and ideas that may attract a similar audience.

  • How can I use Semrush on-page SEO tools to generate content ideas?

    Semrush’s on-page SEO tools analyze the structure and content of your web pages. Use these tools to get recommendations on improving your content for better SEO performance. The suggestions might also inspire new topics currently under-optimized on your site.

  • How effective is using Semrush to find high-impact keywords for content ideas?

    Very effective. Semrush’s keyword research tool allows you to discover keywords that are high in search volume and have a manageable level of competition. By targeting these keywords in your content, you can attract more traffic and create articles that resonate with your audience.

  • What strategies can I use with Semrush to increase SEO on my website?

    Perform Semrush audits regularly to identify SEO issues, use keyword analytics to optimize your content with high-ranking keywords, and monitor your competitors’ SEO strategies with the competitor analysis feature. Adjust your content based on the SEO Writing Assistant tool to ensure it’s optimized for users and search engines.

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